Driver Stories:
Meet The Community
VIDEO: George, 1969 Jaguar E-type
When I got into cars, my first experience with something that I really liked, the style, shape, and performance of cars was the English sports cars. My first car being an Austin Healy 100 and then an Austin Healy 3000 after that.
VIDEO: Krishna, Porsche Boxster Spyder
I came to the US to study aerospace engineering so that I could one day work in the automotive industry. The folks that worked on the Bugatti Veyron inspired me because most of them were aerospace engineers
VIDEO: Wilson, 1993 Porsche 911 Targa
We joined Chef Wilson tang for a ride in his amazing Porsche 911 993 Targa Wilson is the owner and chef of Nomwah Tea parlor in Chinatown, NYC, and also happens to be a big car guy and a Porsche fan.
VIDEO: Monica, 1973 Dodge Dart
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