Sophie’s BMW E30

Hey Sophie! Could you introduce yourself and tell us about your profession?

I'm a photographer and director. I typically work with footwear and apparel brands, high fashion, publications and musicians.

Photo: Ohad Kab

How did your career journey begin?

In the very beginning, I moved to NYC, studied acting, met a guy who roped me into buying a film camera and I fell in love (with photography, not the guy). 

What inspired you to purchase an E30?

I have always been very attracted to E30's, ever since I was little. My first car was a beautiful red 318 with tartan seats back in Australia. To me, they are the most beautiful car. I always dreamt of owning one here in America and I know it's slightly stupid having one in NYC, but what prompted me was the fact that I had a really weird year in 2022 and I was determined to enter 2023 with energy and excitement. I really wanted to do something for me and so I quite literally said ok f*ck it, i'm buying my favorite car... It makes me feel so happy to look at her and know it's fully mine. My full responsibility. It was kind of either this or a dog. 

Photo: Ohad Kab

Can you share your experiences driving it? Any standout moments, modifications, or changes you've made to the car?

I love driving and blasting my music. The previous owner had a really nice sound system built in, which was a huge selling point for me. It's just so fun. Life is so fun when you're driving a sick car and listening to teenage fanclub.

Photos: Ohad Kab

Do you have any interesting anecdotes or stories related to your experiences with this car?

Not really, except that it's a great conversation starter. I love coming back to my parked car and watching people who can't help but take a photo and then there are the dads who tell me they used to own an E30. I just love hearing what other people think about the car and immediately asking for their advice or their perspective on certain curiosities I have about my car. I'm still learning so much. 

If you could have any iconic artist in music history, showcase your E30 in one of their music videos, who would you choose?

Paul McCartney because it would make absolutely no sense at all. If I got a photo of Paul and my car, I would cry.

Where are your favorite hangout spots in the city or Brooklyn? Any go-to restaurants, bars, or coffee shops you'd recommend?

Mother’s off Graham Ave, my fav chicken wings in nyc (I get sauce on the side)

Cholita in Ridgewood for coffee, get the Cocada.

Do you have any trusted mechanics or detailers you'd recommend for E30 owners in the area?

NO still on the hunt. HELP ME PLEASE. I want to find one.

What is the most desired question you have for another E30 owner right now?

The question you just asked! 


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